

How The Tattoo Mentorship Program Began...

Artist Taryn Elise always knew she wanted to pursue a creative career, but didn’t know exactly what that would look like. She considered pursuing art history, museum studies, or even teaching, until, as she says, tattooing found her. However, back in 2009, the industry was difficult to gain footing in, especially for a woman. Taryn’s journey was primarily self-taught, and while it was exciting and rewarding, it was also long and challenging.

In 2018, Taryn opened her first brick & mortar establishment, with best friend and custom clothing designer Jackii Ramis, The Studio Phantasmagoria in Rockaway, NY. Flash forward to 2023 - Taryn is now an award-winning industry veteran of over fifteen years, and the proud owner of her third tattoo establishment, Obscura, in her hometown of Long Beach, NY. Obscura is the studio of Taryn’s dreams, and she works alongside the team of her dreams as well: her body piercer and wife, Brittany Block, five year graduated apprentice Amanda Leigh, and current apprentice Lilly Marinelli.

When Taryn took on Amanda as her first serious apprentice, she wanted to give Amanda the apprenticeship she’d never had. Her goal was to teach the art of tattooing in a positive, encouraging, open-minded environment. And that was just what she did. Amanda is now a highly skilled and accomplished tattooer, and as Taryn says, nothing compares to the joy of watching her learn and excel. Proud is not even the word! Now, she has the pleasure of watching her newest apprentice, Lilly, follow in both of their footsteps.

Fortifying her love of teaching with Amanda and Lilly, and knowing full well the obstacles of entering the tattoo industry… Taryn wanted to create a program where aspiring tattooers could learn in a non-judgemental, safe, friendly environment. Thankfully, things are much different now than they were years ago, when she herself was learning, but many archaic constructs and practices still persist, and opportunities are still limited.

And with this in mind, The Tattoo Mentorship Program was born. A two part, five week (sixteen day) intensive program to get artists the start they need and deserve. It is important to note that The TMP is not a school; it would be impossible to teach attendees everything within 5 weeks. The Tattoo Mentorship Program is a laser focused, specialized, mentored course. The program’s curriculum provides every willing attendee (over the age of eighteen) with the necessary opportunities to gain a well-rounded, intimate introduction to the tattoo industry, and it all takes place at Obscura’s comfortable, inviting, private studio.